Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What i made today
some gift bags for a CALin one of my groups
and 2 burial buntings and hats for Cooper Hospital

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Going to be away for a month will start up my blog again in Sept.
made a burial layette for Cooper today and 2 pouches for CAL

Monday, July 28, 2008

What i made today
Did some more on the little knit gown , takes a while when you knit on a size 1 needle lol.
Also completed one of the August CAL items for the C4AC group.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

What i made today
1 hat for Cooper Hospital
and working on a knit burial gown for a 1 pound baby.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

What i made today
Crocheted a blanket for a burial layette set .
and a Hat for Cooper

Friday, July 25, 2008

What i made today.
Made a sweater hat and bootie set today.
working on a blanket for the set i made last night now.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What i made today.
made a blanket and booties today to go with the gown i made last night.
Wed July 23 ,

Stormed again didnt get online soon enought , made a burial gown today.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

working on a burial layette for cooper hospital today .

Can't believe i forgot to sign in yesterday .
Well what i made MONDAY was
2 crocheted garters for the kidlettes wedding , and most of a thread burial gown will finish it up today. I also sorted thru and donated a car load of clothes to a mission.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I am so agrivated , i worked on a new thread gown for cooper last night worked on it until 2 am and then it had 7 stitches to many so now i have to rip it all out. Which is a pain as it was thread and knit on size 2 needles.
On the good side of my day we had mels bridal shower today and it went off well she had lots of fun and , a lot of her friends were able to come as well as many from church.
Ended up getting about 45 minutes sleep last night so i am dragging now but its 105 so cant sleep , and i still have to unload a truck when my sister gets home.
Now i will see if i can managed to rip out only part of that gown or if its better to just frog it all.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

What i made today
finished 2 thread burial layettes for cooper , and three blankets for the fall delivery to cooper. Also made some more pocket prayer cloths .

Friday, July 18, 2008

Had storms the last couple of days and wasnt able to enter any posts to my blog.

I have been working on a burial layette and finished it in the last couple of days . Its a 3-4 pound size in thread.
Also made a few pocket prayer cloths , and yoyo's.

Monday, July 14, 2008

What i made today
working on another scarf for Ginden today.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

What i made today

Made a scarf for Ginden for the christmas project ,
also made a half dozen or so prayer cloths for the troops, and did a few rows on a bandage for Linda Stockers group . and am still working on the thread burial gown for Cooper Hospital.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

What i made today

I found a pattern i haven't used for 16 years yesterday , going to see if i can modify it to make blessing gowns for Cooper Hospital.

Friday, July 11, 2008

What i made today
Didn't finish anything today other then a few small prayer cloths for the troops.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What i made today.
making easy things today as i am really tired so making yoyo's for Jana .
also made some dishcloths today.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

What i made today

started some small prayer cloths for Melissa's new prayer cloth group.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

What i made today
Hat and bootie set for Gindens christmas stocking project for Cooper Hospital.
Also made a bunting and hat for a burial layette , just need to make the blanket for it now.

Wont get much done today i work on tuesday evenings.

Monday, July 07, 2008


Edging a baby blanket for Cooper today at least.
ended up edging 2 blankets today.


I think posting on Sundays may be just not as consistant as i would like, the day always seems filled to where i just dont always have time to logon.
After church yesterday we had a meeting of the wedding party for the kidlettes wedding in August and got some of the time frame set. Then went with the kids and got them registered for gifts at a local target.
Alice is going to decorate the bulletin boards in the fellowship hall so they dont look so nasty for the reception.
Dennis is going to talk with Dave about removing the game tables for the youth group 2 weeks early so we have time to clean and set up the room since covered dish sunday is the same week at church and might throw a monkey wrench into the planning.
Jill has made some lovely decorations for the fellowship hall and is working on some fdor the stage also, that woman has so much talent i am always amazed by what she makes. Jill just amazes me in many areas .
What i made yesterday but didnt record.
Crocheted edging on 2 baby blankets for layette sets for Cooper Hospital
Made 2 layette sets for Cooper Hospital.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

What i did today ,
I mowed today and even if it takes 4-5 hours to do its a blessing because i can spent that time in prayer.
Went to the post office , but my package hadn't arrived yet . Picked up a few groceries .
Mailed off my last package to Tish yesterday . Its sad the group is closing it is such a blessing to have so many christian ladies in one group.
Got a email from the group Tish recommended and its full at this time but mama is going to keep my application until there is a opening : O ) God is so good.
I am so drained of energy now mowing for 5 hours in 95 + temps tends to wear one plum out. Not sure if i will have the energy to even crochet tonight , But Ginden needs 80 scarves for the nurses for christmas so i need to try to make a few more for her. Finished another scarf and hat set last night so that makes 2 more sets and a scarf finished and ready to mail, plus the 3 or 4 i already sent her.
Have a burial layette in the making and should be able to finish it this weekend if the wedding plans doesn't take all of the time lol.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

What i have been doing ,
i have been so busy i didnt get a chance to do my spring cleaning until this week . So thats what i have been doing .

I also made a few 12" squares and mailed them out to lorna , made a couple of scarfs and a hat for the nurses at Cooper for christmas . and 50 yoyo's

I also finished up the thread burial set for Cooper Hospital. And mailed off a box to Ginden.