Monday, July 07, 2008


Edging a baby blanket for Cooper today at least.
ended up edging 2 blankets today.


I think posting on Sundays may be just not as consistant as i would like, the day always seems filled to where i just dont always have time to logon.
After church yesterday we had a meeting of the wedding party for the kidlettes wedding in August and got some of the time frame set. Then went with the kids and got them registered for gifts at a local target.
Alice is going to decorate the bulletin boards in the fellowship hall so they dont look so nasty for the reception.
Dennis is going to talk with Dave about removing the game tables for the youth group 2 weeks early so we have time to clean and set up the room since covered dish sunday is the same week at church and might throw a monkey wrench into the planning.
Jill has made some lovely decorations for the fellowship hall and is working on some fdor the stage also, that woman has so much talent i am always amazed by what she makes. Jill just amazes me in many areas .
What i made yesterday but didnt record.
Crocheted edging on 2 baby blankets for layette sets for Cooper Hospital
Made 2 layette sets for Cooper Hospital.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

t looks like you live in the Tampa bay area. I do too!